Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Whose Problem Is It?

One of my psychology professors taught a lesson through the game, "Whose problem is it?" What it boiled down to--if it bothers me or another individual, the problem belongs to the one bothered.

Outdoor litter in public places bothers me. Noticing litter always decreases my enjoyment of nature. So, I pick up. It doesn't matter who left it or why. If it is there, and I am able--I pick up.

This action does not in itself, make me a good person. I don't need a photo op or any other media attention. It helps me because picking up gets rid of the irritation, in part. I have had some interesting adventures in picking up, this is my reward.

However, I do have a dream. I believe we can encourage others to do the same by our example. We need to prove that litter needs to be picked up on an ongoing basis. People should not wait for a group gathering to pick up, nor should we wait for a huge non profit organized event to pick up. We need to "Do it now. Do it where we are. Do it when we see it."

My dream is to get some corporate sponsorship to get out Pro-Pick-UP, Pro-Leave No Trace messages. If we had an interesting design, short and catchy that would also appeal to teens and children--and give them out free at the beach and other public places, I think it would make a difference.

How About: Be a PAL. Pick-UP.
Or even just the Public domain Logo:

placed on visors, arm bands, buttons. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with your professor. When I (individual) am affected negatively by someone else's behavior it is THEIR problem.

    BTW, I rarely leave the woods without someone else's problem.


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