Saturday, December 4, 2010

Well, even after the BP Oil Spill and clean up crews leaving our beaches pristine--as far as we can see; people continue to litter. I don't understand why communities have to budget for clean up. If people would just pick up after their selves and once in awhile go out of their way to pick up what someone else leave's behind; it would eliminate the litter issue.

Thanks for being an example, Juan.

Juan allowed me to take his picture. He said, "What's the big deal?" I told him, you have no idea how it thrills me to watch someone carry their litter a few hundred feet and actually have it bagged and put it inside the trashcan. We need more people like him.

BP Clean-up crews are still a part of our beach landscape. Our air is regularly in the good zone according to Airnow ; though in the last few days air has been rated orange, or unsafe for sensitive people. I am not sure that has anything to do with the spill however as we have rated as low as 19 in the good range recently.

The shore water appears clear. It would just help so much if beach visitors would quit littering.

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